Policies and Procedures | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台
  1. General Policies:
    1. A valid and functioning Springfield College ID is required to enter the facility. If an ID cannot be presented, your SCID number will be requested and looked up for eligibility verification.
    2. Springfield College reserves the right to ask individuals to produce valid identification at any time while in the facility or on the fields.
    3. No gum, food or drinks (other than water in a closed container) are allowed in the facility.
    4. Closed-toed shoes MUST be worn at all times in the fitness areas and in multipurpose rooms.
    5. Talking on cell phones is not permitted in the fitness areas or in multipurpose rooms–please move to a lobby or seating area.
    6. All postings in the Wellness and Recreation Complex must be approved by Campus Recreation. A Campus Recreation staff member will handle all postings. Student Activities approved items must still obtain Campus Recreation approval prior to posting.
    7. There will be no posting or taping of any material on windows, doors, or walls in the facility.
    8. Springfield College is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal property. Lost and found items will be disposed of/donated at the end of each semester.
    9. Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs may not be consumed prior to or while using the facility. Individuals may not use the facility while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
    10. Bicycles, roller skates, rollerblades and skateboards are prohibited inside the facility at all times. Skateboards may be carried into the facility but not used.
    11. Pets are prohibited in all facilities, except for service animals.
    12. No outdoor cleats can be worn in the building.
    13. Unauthorized photography and videotaping is prohibited. Authorization must be given by the Director of Campus Recreation. Patrons may not be videotaped without consent, please be aware of your surroundings.
    14. Springfield College recreation/athletic facilities are not to be used for personal This includes personal training services. 
  2. Eligibility:
    1. College Community
      • Full time undergraduate and graduate students.
      • Full, part-time, adjunct faculty and temporary staff.
      • Harvest Table and Follett employees.
      • Part-time students with payment of current year’s recreation fee.
    2. Other Patrons*
      • Dependents of faculty and staff and full time students up to the age of 25.
      • Spouses/partners of full-time faculty, staff, and students.
      • Retired full-time faculty and staff.
        • Fee: No fee but Springfield College ID required.Springfield College IDs can be purchased for $10.
        • Includes: fitness center use, basketball and racquetball courts, climbing wall, pool, day lockers, (refer to Public Safety for parking information)
        • Intramural sports and group exercise classes are not part of the membership
        • Membership registration can be completed with a Campus Recreation staff member during normal business hours.

*Individuals listed in category B must fill out a Patron Information form.

*Dependents (of faculty and staff) over the age of 18 are required to obtain a Springfield  College ID card (cost of Springfield College ID card will be charged).

  1. Springfield College Alumni

Alumni of Springfield College are eligible to purchase a memberships:

  • The cost of this membership is the same as the current year's student recreation fee.
  • Intramural sports, club sports and group exercise classes are not part of the membership.
  • Non-member alumni may pay $10 for a day pass.

3. Eligibility Policies:

  1. Family Policies:
    • Spouses, partners, and dependents of full-time faculty, staff, and full-time students must complete a patron application. Visit the Campus Recreation office. Approval is required before ID is issued.
    • Dependents under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign the patron application.
    • Dependents 14 years of age or older are permitted in all the areas of the facilities.
    • Dependents 13 years of age or younger need to be with their sponsor at all times and are not permitted to use the fitness areas and climbing wall.
    • Eligibility is automatically terminated if the primary Springfield College affiliate is no longer an employee of the College.
    • Springfield College recognizes dependents as defined by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
    • Campus Recreation reserves the right to require proof of dependency.
    • Spouses/partners of faculty and staff will be required to show proof of cohabitation (i.e. driver's license or household bill with the same address as spouse/partner.)
    • Dependents 18 years of age or older will have to purchase a Springfield College ID card for a fee.
  2. Returning students policy:
    • Returning students who are pre-registered full-time credit hours for fall semester will be granted access during summer sessions.
  3. Domestic partner policies:
    • A patron information form will be available to be completed at the campus recreation office.
    • Proof of cohabitation will require either a) copies of drivers’ licenses that have the same address or b) copies of two bills with both partners names on them delivered to the same address.
    • Partner status must be confirmed on an annual basis. It is the employed faculty/staff member’s responsibility to confirm/update with Campus Recreation.

4. Guest Policies:

  • Full-time faculty, staff and students will be limited to one guest per entry to the facilities. The guest fee is $10.00.
  • 2. Guests under the age of 16 are not permitted in the fitness areas or climbing wall.
  • 3. Guests, 18 and older, must present a photo ID at the welcome desk and sign an informed consent form before entering the facility.
  • 4. Sponsor assumes full responsibility for all actions and behaviors of their guest. 5. Campus Recreation reserves the right to refuse admittance to any guest.
  • 6. Requests for groups or parties must be made to the Associate Director of Campus Recreation at (413) 748-3445.
  • 7. Guests are not permitted to participate in organized Campus Recreation programs.
  • 8. Full-time faculty, staff and students are the only eligible participants that can sponsor a guest.

5. Locker Room Policies:

  • No cell phone use in locker rooms.
  • Lockers are issued for faculty and staff (July-June) on a first come first served basis at the Campus Recreation office. Graduate assistants and associates may inquire about locker availability with Campus Recreation.
  • All faculty and staff who are issued lockers are responsible for keeping their locker clean.
  • Locker owners will be asked on an annual basis (July-June) if they will keep their locker.
  • Children 5 years of age and older may not enter an opposite gender locker room.

6. Day Locker Policies:

  1. Provide your own lock.
  2. Personal locks may NOT be left on lockers overnight. All locks must be removed 10 minutes prior to facility closing.
  3. If lockers are not cleared by closing time each day, Campus Recreation staff will cut the lock and remove all items in the lockers. All items will be kept in lost and found for 14 days. After 14 days, all abandoned locker contents will be donated.
  4. Lost and found items should be turned into the Wellness Center welcome desk.

7. Equipment Checkout/Policies and Procedures:

  1. A Springfield College ID is required to check out equipment.
  2. Recreation equipment checkout will be issued at the Physical Education Complex welcome desk. A Springfield College ID must be left at the desk and will be returned once the equipment is brought back in good condition.
  3. Equipment must be returned at least 10 minutes prior to closing time. 4. Individuals will be charged for damaged or lost equipment.
  4. Sponsors may check out equipment for their guests, but assume full responsibility for any equipment issued.
  5. Special requests for equipment must be made 48 hours in advance to the Intramural Office at (413) 748-3613.
  6. All patrons requesting equipment will be required to complete an agreement form.

8. Fitness Area Policies:

  1. Protective footwear is required at all times.  
  2. Books, bags and other belongings must be placed in a locker or cubbies.
  3. Equipment should only be used for its intended purpose.
  4.  Report all injuries and any equipment concerns to a Wellness Center Support Staff member.
  5. Wipe off controls, seats, pads and railings before and after using equipment.
  6.  If you are performing multiple sets on a piece of equipment, please allow others to rotate in with you.
  7. The wellness service staff reserves the right to stop an exercise or activity they deem to be unsafe or inconsiderate. 
  8. The use of weight collars is required for all barbell exercises.
  9. The use of chalk is not permitted.
  10. Re-rack all weights in the designated spaces.
  11. Do not drop weights on the floor. When performing deadlift exercises, dropping  weights from above knee level is prohibited. 
  12. Exercises that cannot be performed in a safe manner or pose any risk to others are prohibited.
  13. Removal of equipment from the fitness area is prohibited. 
  14. Participants are encouraged to complete an equipment orientation. If you are not familiar with a piece of equipment, please ask one of the staff members for assistance.
  15. It is recommended to use a spotter or ask a staff member for help with free weight  exercises.

9. Functional Training Area Policies:

  1. All equipment must stay in the functional training area.
  2. All equipment should be disinfected with wipes (not spray) BEFORE and AFTER
  3. No personal bags are permitted in this area.
  4. No pull-ups/chin-ups on the functional training frame.
  5. This area is CLOSED when being used for small group training or group exercise
  6. All equipment should be properly stored or re-racked after use.
  7. Patrons are only permitted to slam the following equipment to the ground: Slamballs, GRIPRs
  8. Sled must stay on track at ALL times.

10. Multi Purpose Rooms Policies:

  1. Rooms are available for walk in use, however priority will be given to those with reservations. Reservations can be made by contacting Campus Recreation.
  2. Only authorized personnel are allowed to access equipment in storage
  3. Campus Recreation will approve footwear for particular programs, classes or activities.

11. Facility:

  1. Reservation requests for recreation/athletic facilities can be made by contacting the Associate Director of Facilities & Aquatics at (413) 748-3445 or pavdoulos@springfield.edu.
  2. Reservation requests may be submitted by email or in person to the Campus Recreation office.
  3. Requests DO NOT guarantee that a room or facility will be reserved.
  4. All groups reserving the facility must be supervised by a designated Springfield College employee.
  5. Supervision ratios depend on the event and activity and costs of $15 per hour per staff member will be included with the rental cost.
  6. Groups will be charged for any damaged or lost equipment.

12. Gymnasia Policies:

  1. Tape on gymnasium floors must be approved by Campus Recreation/Athletics. Approved tape must be replaced every two weeks.
  2. Grabbing or hanging on the nets or rims is prohibited.

13. Open Recreation Policies:

  1. Basketball: Games are played to 11 points, win by two. Winners stay, losers rotate off. Winning teams may stay on the court for no more than TWO consecutive games.
  2. During open recreation Field House courts #3 and #4 may be used for sports other than basketball if available. Campus Recreation staff has the right to adjust open recreation Activities requiring additional equipment and set up will require approval and must go through Campus Recreation reservation process.   
  3. Campus Recreation staff has the right to adjust open recreation activities in order to accommodate other users.
  4. The open recreation schedule will be determined based on institutional priorities. Campus Recreation staff will assist with set-up and break down of open recreation equipment based on staff availability.

14. Field Policies and Supervision:

  1. Students may use field space for open recreation and should be prepared to present an ID at any time.
  2. Fields are for students, faculty, and staff use.
  3. Off-campus groups or non-students can request to reserve the fields for a fee by calling the Office of Conferences and Special Events at (413) 748-5287.
  4. Organized events by students can be scheduled by calling the Office of Campus Recreation at (413) 748-3445.
  5. Campus recreation facility staff can access Astra scheduling for questions about field schedule.
  6. Staff is to call Public Safety if a non-student group is using the field that is not on the Astra schedule.
  7. No pets.
  8. No cleats longer than ½” and No Metal cleats (Violations of this kind void the turf warranty).
  9. No food, including no gum, sunflower seeds, soda or Gatorade.
  10. No chewing tobacco.

15. Indoor Jogging Track:

  1. Walkers are encouraged to use the outer three lanes.
  2. Runners are encouraged to use inner three lanes.
  3. Faster runners have the right of way.
  4. The track is available unless exclusively scheduled for athletics or special events. 5. No track shoes allowed outside of the track

16. Personal Belongings:

  1. Personal belongings must be secured in day lockers or cubbies.
  2. Unsecured belongings will be considered abandoned property and turned into lost and found.
  3. Lost IDs should be turned into the Wellness Center Welcome Desk.

17. Conduct:

  1. Springfield College’s Code of Conduct applies at all times. The college’s harassment policy is part of the Code of Conduct in the College Handbook and may be found in the student handbook.
  2. Students, Faculty, and Staff may be subject to further college disciplinary action as outlined in the Springfield College Code of Conduct.
  3. Sanctions will be levied as follows. More severe sanctions may be imposed at discretion of the Campus Recreation department and/or the Office of Community Standards.
  4. Student, Faculty, or Staff uses an ID other than their own to enter the wellness and recreation complex;
  • First infraction; verbal warning.
  • Second infraction; one month suspension from use of the Wellness & Recreation Complex.
  • Third infraction; suspended for one semester from use of the Wellness & Recreation Complex.
  • Fourth infraction suspended from use of the Wellness & Recreation Complex for a period of one year.

5. Student, Faculty, or Staff verbally abuses staff member for enforcing policy

6. First infraction; two month suspension from use of Wellness & Recreation Complex.

7. Second infraction; one semester suspension from use of the Wellness & Recreation Complex.

iii. Third infraction; one year suspension from use of the Wellness & Recreation Complex.

  1. Student, Faculty, or Staff uses profane language and/or exhibits threatening behavior toward a student staff member;
  2. First infraction; minimum one semester suspension from use of the Wellness & Recreation Complex.
  3. Second infraction; one year suspension from use of the Wellness & Recreation Complex.
  4. Student, Faculty, or Staff disregards directive from student staff upon entering the facility (i.e.: jumps turnstile, slides past turnstile) or behaves disrespectfully towards that student staff member;
  5. First infraction; two month suspension from the Wellness & Recreation Complex.
  6. Second infraction; one semester suspension from the Wellness & Recreation Complex.

iii. Third infraction; one year suspension from the Wellness & Recreation  Complex.

  1. Student, Faculty, or Staff exhibits disrespectful behavior or any of the above infractions with professional staff member;
  2. First infraction; minimum one semester suspension from use of the Wellness & Recreation Complex and referral to Dean of Students’ office for further discipline.
  3. Second infraction; one year suspension from use of the Wellness & Recreation Complex and referral to the Office of Community Standards.
Explore Campus Recreation at Springfield College